Conversions typically happen across multiple touchpoints,

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Conversions typically happen across multiple touchpoints,

Post by Jahangir147 »

Attribution may help
Understanding how display ‘influences’ a conversion seems to be a better play than just click reporting. Conversions typically happen across multiple touchpoints, and multiple visits, so understanding just how much is influenced by display will be more useful than trying to fight the ‘why are we 50% lower’ question. And, going back to the quality discussion, rather than pure click through metrics it places more emphasis on optimisation. Which is a much better strategy in the long run.

It shouldn’t be about the click
So if you’re really looking to change digital behaviours, you should saint lucia email list 26037 contact leads be looking to answer 2 questions:

How can you improve the quality of traffic, both to and on your site, through offsite testing and onsite optimisation?
How can you leverage attribution to better understand the conversion journey, and re-engage offsite with visitors during their multi-visit, multi-touch conversion journey?
Chasing the “click” probably isn’t the right strategy.

To effectively measure these actions you need to identify the critical digital behaviours that represent key points of evolution and conversion. You then need to measure these actions consistently, creating a ‘dashboard’ of relevant information that can deliver regular insights as to what is and isn’t working. Soon enough you’ll shift your focus from evaluating via ‘gut feel’ and ‘soft’ metrics to focusing on ‘validated actions’.
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