The question arises, in light of this situation, what should be our role or responsibility as “important” suppliers? The same as always, as suppliers of products and services, or do the situation and our clients require something more? All of this is putting us to the test and the only thing we feel clear about is that we have to think of new ways of collaboration and relationship with our community because the ones we have (product, price, service, etc.) are not the most relevant at the moment and will probably cease to be the most differential (not important) very soon.
Marketing has always been very close to change, seeing it as an opportunity, evolving over time from a more static conceptual form (old Marketing = advertising) to a current form that is more fluid and adaptable france business email list to each person's moment (digital). What is certain is that today it can be a wonderful opportunity to get closer and adapt to what our B2B community is concerned about, transforming our relationship from "supplier" to "partner" through new forms of collaboration.

If we want to change the way we relate to our clients, Marketing can offer us valuable content, but for me, there are a number of aspects that we must be clear about before going any further.
1/ The client does not belong exclusively to the sales department, other parts of the organization must also think about how they can help them and, at least, interact with them.
2/ If we say that we are a brand, we must live up to it today and start by generating trust by listening and supporting in these moments.
3/ Prioritize the needs of a client at all times. Know how to ask and listen and understand the moments of all the people who interact with us in a client (not just the buyer)
4/”Good customer brings good value” The main value that a great customer brings you in the long term is never sales.
5/ Customers are people, emotions matter, are we understanding them? Are we managing them?
6/ Global experience counts for more than an excellent product, service or price , and today experience means launching joint projects that help with uncertainty.
7/ Read those clients who “raise their hand” and bet on them. They may not be the biggest.
I have always seen the Marketing function as very focused on three aspects: generating sales efficiency, co-designing the (strategic) path, but above all, transforming the emotional connection with our clients by analyzing and personalizing their experiences with us as much as possible, and here we have an opportunity right now.
How can we change our way of relating through Marketing?
Transforming and enriching your experience with us and to do this, the first thing is to have the ability to understand and want to understand, practicing a human empathy that is very necessary in times of uncertainty. It is obvious that this is an art that every company and person must master, but the “most technical” can be that of sharing our vision and information, looking for new dynamics of sharing needs and focusing on them together (design thinking), training in different fields, etc. and a good way to start is by outlining a small joint project where the relationship is no longer an exclusive matter of the commercial network with purchases or purchases with the commercial network, we open this connection to more people. This can be a great time to detect who wants to be our “partner” and not a client.
The next step is to make things easier for them, and this is where the digital channel starts to appear as a great tool. Simplifying internal processes through the web, generating leads, generating content, relating to information and, above all, helping them to become better trained in everything that digitalisation can bring to marketing and sales. It is a good time to be heard and to be able to influence.
The Customer Experience methodology can help us a lot to work on this adaptation and change of the relationship model, from a product to an experience.
In conclusion, transforming the relationship by transforming the customer experience is almost an art, but it is possible and even more so today. Emotions and value in the face of change, difficult to imitate and close to needs. Without a doubt, the product, the price and the service are key, but... today, is it the most important thing? Is that all I can and should contribute?
Without a doubt, developing joint marketing projects with a focus on customer experience can transform your way of relating and differentiating yourself from your community. Let's think about it... there is a reward.