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Have a broad client portfolio

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 6:47 am
by roselin125#$&*
First listen, then speak
This point is related to the previous one, and to the importance of understanding what the client needs. Another of the most common mistakes made by salespeople is that they talk too much, trying to convince the prospect, without knowing that they are actually driving them away.

Buyers don't want to be convinced, they want to be understood. That's why it's much better when the salesperson focuses on listening and understanding the prospect's needs and concerns, and thus being able to respond with short, accurate and concise interventions. 

Otherwise, you could spend a lot of time offering the customer product A, when he was really interested in product B. This is such a decisive point that it can even cause you to lose a potential sale by not giving the buyer the opportunity to express his wishes. 

Know your product and your system
When generating or consolidating a sale, it is essential that you perfectly manage all the details of both the product and the branches and details that influence the purchase. 

A question that is poorly answered by the seller can result in the buyer losing confidence or security, which could result in the loss of the lead.

It is important to master each aspect of the Sales Process at all times, and to make it clear that the client's wishes and needs will always be taken into consideration, but it is the salesperson who ensures the consolidation of each of the actions that lead to the sale.

You probably have a favorite customer with whom you have a very japan whatsapp mobile phone number list good relationship or who makes the best purchases. But the truth is that you should never focus all your efforts and strategies on him alone. 

It has been proven that in order to achieve better results and increase sales, it is necessary to have a large client portfolio and maintain productive relationships with several clients at the same time.


The profits or livelihood of the company should not be left to a single client, since we are all at risk of being replaced at any time. 

That is why, if you want to ensure the stability of your company and have an increasing percentage of sales, the more you diversify your clients and work with more at a time, the better results you will have.

5 Successful Sales Strategies That Will Take Your Business to the Next Level + Practical Examples
To help you develop a plan for building your own perfect sales strategy, you can take as an example the paths and decisions that others have taken in their quest for success. 

There are many options that you can use and have at your disposal to achieve this. However, here we will tell you a little about 5 of them, which have proven to be effective in improving your business organically and always in favor of achieving objectives. 

Cross Selling
Cross Selling is a strategy that consists of promoting the purchase of a complementary product to the one the customer has already chosen. This complementary product can offer a real additional benefit to the original product or simply as a second purchase option.

When the buyer has several products with similar characteristics at his/her disposal, the purchasing possibilities increase for both items. 

We can see this clearly on websites like Amazon , where under the information for each product there is a “Frequently Bought Together” section, where products that complement your initial purchase are suggested.