When you make a budget and plan your expenses, it is easier to understand where you will need to invest more and where you can reduce your spending.
Setting aside a percentage of your money for savings should be an unbreakable rule in your home. For this reason, Hector Nalda, Sales Manager for CrediScotia jordan number screening Finance , offers four techniques to start saving your capital.
1. Small amounts. To start, set aside at least 10% of what you receive, regardless of the amount. For example, if you have S/.1, the goal will be 10 cents that will go into the piggy bank.
2. First is saving. Don't just save the money you have left over after spending on clothes, parties, dinners with friends, etc. Save first and then buy the vanities.
3. Small expenses. Evaluate how much you would stop spending if you did not buy that morning coffee or the mid-afternoon cookies. You will notice that if you eliminate those expenses you will have more money in your pockets.
4. Clear goals. Make an analysis of what you want to achieve in a year, write it down and read it every morning. This will help you remember to save to get what you want.
IMPORTANT Why don't people save? Giovanna Prialé, director of the Personal Finance Institute , says that Peruvians are not aware of the importance of saving a percentage of their income to invest in the future and "have a cushion for any eventuality."
"Saving means making some sacrifices, depriving yourself of some luxuries like eating out every day. That doesn't mean you can't treat yourself sometimes," she says.