As a first step in improving our email marketing, the database was cleaned up by looking at bouncers and inactive email addresses. It is important that the right people receive the newsletter. The delivery percentage also immediately increased by 17%.”
Dealing with coupons differently
“We have also adjusted the coupon mechanism. Previously, recipients had to print the entire email to use a coupon. Now they can click through and select the coupons they want on an underlying page and print only those. The newsletter uses dynamic content display using images.”
Below is an example of the animated coupon from the newsletter . The customer is shown at any time of the week how long the promotions are still valid. This makes the content more relevant to the recipient. Ilse: “When we switched to a new email system in August 2012, the email template and design were renewed, we immediately optimized it for mobile .”
“We see it as a form of customer loyalty to let people hear from us every week with the newsletter. Since August 2012, we have had a different editorial formula. There is a division with thirteen themes per year. uae phone data For example, the theme Christmas, or the theme Jumbo house brand. These themes are repeated via all channels. For example, the newsletter focuses on the house brand, but also the magazine Hallo Jumbo, the website , the stores and Facebook .
n Vogelaar, author of the book ' The super promoter ' and Chief Enthusiasm Officer of research agency Blauw opens the day and explains how enthusiasm spreads via the flame-flow-flood. Enthusiasm always starts with a flame of inspiration, which an enthusiast brings into the world. It is always about something that is important to the person himself, so important that you are enthusiastic about it.
Then comes the flow, other people who join in the enthusiasm and want to spread it further. The idea is now also supported by others and takes on a life of its own, for example through co-creation. In organizations it is important that various people join in this phase; not only management or employees, but also enthusiastic customers. Is the enthusiasm growing? Then you reach the 'flood' that can cause hypes or changes.