Data is more compelling than anecdote

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Data is more compelling than anecdote

Post by nishat@264 »

When Levesque worked in a robotic manufacturing company, she was told time and again that their audience were ‘serious’ and needed to be marketed to in a ‘serious’ way. She designed an educational, top-of-funnel email campaign, opt-in only, that dropped cool videos of their robots working in real use cases. The email campaign was branded and had its own life. They had a 50% open rate on the campaign and began sending them weekly. Let the prospects tell you what they want.

There is no content without an audience
Levesque is trained as a professional actress. She italy whatsapp resource spent years standing on stages, telling stories. Marketing was an easy transition because it’s the same thing. If she stands on a stage, telling a story that no one cares about, or reacts to, then she may as well be fully alone in the theater. The audience is a part of the story that actors tell on stage. Actors use the audience for feedback – what do they like, what do they not like, what are they responding to?

The same is true for marketers creating stories in their content. If they aren't including the audience, then they are simply creating content for themselves, and it will always fall flat.

Overhiring is a real thing
Levesque never thought this was real. She has almost always worked in start-up environments where budgets and resources were always lacking. She has almost always believed that most of the challenges she was experiencing in Marketing could be solved with more people. That’s not accurate. There is a very delicate balance between not only what the company needs right now, but trying to anticipate how that need will look in the next few years.
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