Use links in your Twitter posts. Many posts that are retweeted contain a link. To make sure your post is not too long, you can use tools like or to shorten the URL.
2. Actively ask for a retweet
Research shows that a message with 'please retweet' or 'please RT' has a big chance of actually being retweeted. Keep the number of characters in mind. Because a retweet also comes with a Twitter name. So don't make your Twitter message too long and keep it to about 20 characters.
Of course you can talk about yourself on Twitter, but if you want to make sure that people share your messages with their followers, it is advisable not to do this (often). Only 1.5 percent of retweets are about the Twitterer themselves. So share information that your followers are waiting for.
4. Come up with new and relevant information
So post newsworthy and funny messages. These have the best chance of being retweeted. Think about whether your followers are waiting for your message. Does the tweet have added value for namibia phone data them? Twitter users want to inform their network with information that is relevant to them.
5. Tweet about Twitter
It also turns out that tweets about Twitter are retweeted 200 percent more often than messages about Facebook. So do you have news about the microblogging site or a trick? Share it with your followers and there is a big chance that they will share it with their network.
Want to read all the tips and tricks about Twitter and retweets? Then quickly scroll down to view the infographic. Click on the image for a larger copy. But perhaps you have another tip that you would like to share. Leave it in a comment or share via Twitter.
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