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Everyone can and should write content

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 10:17 am
by rokassha.k.h@11
That's why creating the profile of your ideal reader is so important within your content marketing strategy.

I have found thousands of tweets that ended up containing a good post and which I have come across by chance or out of boredom.

On the other hand, I have also seen others that are complete nonsense, but the headline caught my attention and I clicked to read it.

To promote content, it is not enough to just publish a few tweets and posts on Facebook.

Promotion takes place from the process of creating that content plan , in which you build a message, set objectives that respond to the needs of your target audience and follow a strategy.

That's why it's important to first research who you want to target, ecuador mobile phone numbers database what they like to read, what they don't like, what articles are the most shared...

Another major mistake is believing that content will generate sales . I'm sorry to say that it doesn't generate sales on its own.

Content marketing is a planned process, the first objective of which should be to make yourself known and create your own brand.

If you have been consistent, you have a good strategy and you have managed to gain the trust of your readers, that is when you can think about selling them something.

Face it, none of us are Justin Bieber (fortunately) nor do we have a legion of fans who keep track of us.

Maybe you have read something like “ why should everyone have a blog ?” or someone has told you that the ideal thing for your company is to write a blog, especially if you are the CEO or founder.

The most common arguments are that this will strengthen your relationship with your clients, because they like to know how you think and because you have to be at the forefront and the trendiest thing now is to write a blog.