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What 8 growth hacking experts have to tell you about your marketing and sales strategy

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 8:59 am
by muskanhossain66
In my Growth Marketing Plan for 2018 , I mentioned that being active on social profiles and participating in groups where your niche and target market are is an excellent idea to ensure more sales and engagement .

I have also mentioned the Facebook group Growth Hackers Brasil .

This is a closed group with a selection process to join, currently with more than 4 thousand marketing, sales and development professionals.

Everyone contributes native content, tips, explaining tools, sharing business experiences, etc.

The best part of the group is the humility of each student database member in always helping, no matter the doubt.

But, I'm not here to talk about the group in particular.

I want to talk about the people who are in it.

More than 4 thousand professionals who are rocking Growth Hacking across Brazil

generating marketing and sales results for the most different market niches.

With that in mind, I decided to issue a small challenge to the participants:

“What can’t be missing from a scalable and predictable Growth Hacking process?”

I sent this question to the group with the link to answer it in a Google form, with the aim of capturing the vision and contact details of any Growth specialist who wanted to give their opinion.

From all the answers I got, I filtered only 8 of them to put here.

I hope these ideas, hacks and processes from each of these Growth Hacking experts can help you with scalable and predictable growth in 2018.
PS: I'll add each person's LinkedIn right after the comment so you can talk to them directly.

Let's go?

“In Digital Marketing, before embarking on any Growth Hacking experiment, you can’t help but check whether the basics are well-made . SEO functions must be up to date, email trails and lists optimized, and branding and visual identity respected in all materials.” – Adonias Pimenta Jr.

The issue that Adonias raised is extremely dangerous.

Today, the tireless search for the 'miracle hack' is a reality for everyone who discovers the term Growth Hacking.

And indeed, hacks help companies boost their results.

However, a hack is a non-scalable action.

I explain better about doing non-scalable actions first and then scaling, in this video:

The point here is that when you discover a good hack, it better be scalable or it won't help you grow more than 30% month over month.

That’s why Adonias mentions “beans and rice”.

Having a scalable sales funnel that generates recurring leads and commercial opportunities is the real recipe for success.
“Challenges for continuous improvement, commitment to learning through mistakes” – Charleston Rafael .

Two things make me very happy about Charleston's comment:

Continuous improvement is the mantra of Growth Hacking;
Learning through mistakes is the mantra of Growth Hacking [2].
Take a look:

If you know a thousand strategies and tactics, it becomes even easier to see good ideas to create your own marketing and sales hacks .

Also read: Link Building Strategy: How to Get More Links Faster
Constant study is a challenge and also the best weapon for every Growth Hacker.

Every year, Growth Tribe releases a Growth Learning T-Shape, that is, what you need to learn from superficial to in-depth.

The 2018 version is this:

The T-learning that every growth hacker needs to have.
The T-learning that every growth hacker needs to have.
In my Growth Hacking Kit , I put together a list of almost 50 websites and blogs that are mandatory for every Growth Hacker to follow and read all of their material.

My suggestion, and I believe Charleston's too, is that you sign up for each of their Newsletters.

“We can’t forget to look at the bottom line, the revenue line! In every test we do, regardless of the stage of the funnel, we keep an eye on Pipedrive, to see if, in the end, we add more money to the company!” – Rodrigo Noll .

My namesake's tip could be a 'slap in the face' for many professionals who position themselves as Marketing today .

I've heard a lot in the market that marketing, advertising and communication are only responsible for making the customer discover the company.

At most, take the customer to the counter or check-out.

But, the sale is the company's responsibility and not theirs.

This is the biggest mistake you can make if you want to present yourself as a Growth and Scalable Growth professional .
The Growth Hacker looks at the entire Growth funnel.

Acquisition, Activation, Conversion, Retention, Referral and Revenue .

If you don't directly contribute to the company's growth (and growth means money in your pocket), you're out of the game.

For this reason, there are hundreds of marketing and sales automation tools that work together.

The example that Rodrigo mentioned is Pipedrive , a sales CRM that is extremely simple and easy to use.

Combined with RD Station , for example, both need to have actions that reflect new actions in the other, with a view to working as equals.