In this post we tell you more about what job turnover is and what its main causes are.
What image does the turnover rate project about your company and how is it calculated?
Learn about some highly effective measures to reduce the brain drain
Job turnover, the nightmare of HR departments
Some say that lifelong jobs have come to an end and that the current trend is what is known as “career zapping” . The more experiences the candidate has, the richer he or she becomes.
The truth is that st condition that affects the hong kong phone number data productivity of your employees , your brand image, your company's mission and, ultimately, the entire organization.
The responsibility for a high turnover rate usually falls on the HR Department, so it will be especially important to focus on its analysis, thereby discovering the causes that lead to it.
Once detected, the next step is to take the necessary measures to minimize their impact.
Job rotation, what does it mean?
We talk about staff turnover when a worker joins or leaves an organization.
If it has become common in our company for certain jobs to be repeatedly abandoned, we will be suffering from a high rate of staff turnover.
This is when we need to take some time to analyze what is happening and take appropriate measures before filling the vacancy again.