In the best case scenario, the Budgets submitted to the Cortes will end up coming into force at the beginning of July 2018.
The maximum bases are also set and, if approved, the engineering email list contribution base of corporate self-employed workers will be separated from the SMI, so they could see a reduction in their contribution. With the entry into force of the Self-Employed Workers Law , both concepts were separated, but for this to occur, the Budgets in which the new calculation index is set must first be approved.

If you want to stay up to date with the latest tax and legal developments for the self-employed in 2018, download the free “Guide to tax and legal changes for the self-employed in 2018” .
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Minimum contribution bases for self-employed workers in 2018
The minimum base will be set at 932.78 euros for 2018. This represents an increase of 1.4% compared to the previous year, when the amount was 919.90 euros. This is slightly less than half of the increase suffered last year, which was 3%. However, it must be taken into account that, if the necessary support is obtained to approve the Budget, it will only affect a maximum of one half of the year.
Although it may seem like a small increase, it must be taken into account that the previous year they suffered a really significant increase, which is also being carried over into 2018. A new increase, however small, is a drawback. The only positive thing is that, if it is already difficult to approve these budgets , it will be even more difficult to approve those of 2019, with the proximity of the elections and the current complicated parliamentary arithmetic.