We live in a time and world where it is not companies but critical, self-reliant consumers with unprecedented choices who are increasingly calling the shots. They determine whether your brand will survive or not. You can be replaced by your competitor from one moment to the next. When and how do you get them on your side?
Perceived added value of your brand
Increasing recognition & creating real connections
Think outside-in & inside-out: 3 building blocks
Outside-in: actionable buyer personas
Inside-out: brand personality
How do you build the brand persona(lity)?
Extra ingredient: your brand archetype(s)
Perceived added value of your brand
Your brand can only survive or grow if prospects , customers and other stakeholders realize that the brand offers 'added value' in their lives.
The specific role that your brand fulfils actually transcends in hierarchy your economic objective, namely: generating income from your target groups. That is an aspired consequence of it.
However, it is not self-evident that your target groups see, taiwan telegram data recognize and understand the (useful) role of your brand in their lives. In the intro I already gave a few reasons: the outside world contains disruptive factors that you have no influence on. And internal ambiguity about the content of brand communication certainly does not contribute to the identity and recognizability of your brand.
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Clarifying the role of your brand
The bottom line is: your brand positioning needs to be very clear. It needs to appeal to your specific target audience(s).
Through the touchpoints your prospects, customers and fans have with your brand, they should be able to determine with certainty what role the brand plays in making their dreams come true and strengthening or increasing their well-being.
Shaping that perception among your target group(s), communicating that role well: as a marketer, you have to be alert to this every day and work on it in a targeted manner.