SEO trends: what are topic clusters and pillar pages?

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SEO trends: what are topic clusters and pillar pages?

Post by samiaseo75 »

Before we analyze what topic clusters and pillar pages are , and what they can contribute to an SEO strategy , it is important to understand that Google's algorithm is not static . The number of changes is only known with precision by a handful of people around the world, but we are talking about around 500 updates per year.

Often, these changes barely affect the search asia cell phone number list results, but sometimes they cause real changes. Some of the most well-known changes to Google's algorithm in recent years, such as Hummingbird and RankBrain , are increasingly pointing in the same direction, which is the interpretation of our intentions when making a search by context . It is even possible that these results do not have to do strictly with the exact words we are looking for, especially if they are voice searches, ambiguous, complex or contain colloquial expressions.


Google bases its algorithm on an artificial intelligence system that 'learns' with each of the searches we make (and there are quite a few, more than 67,000 per second around the world...). In addition to the words we use, other factors are taken into account , such as the history of similar searches, synonyms, related terms, etc. These are called semantic searches , based more on the context than on the literal words we use.

Although it is important to implement some of the more classic search engine positioning strategies , new SEO techniques are increasingly appearing to adapt to these semantic searches . This is where topic clusters and pillar pages come into play .
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