More than 62 million of the population are mobile internet users

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[email protected]
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More than 62 million of the population are mobile internet users

Post by [email protected] »


Now that the coffees are filled, let's get started!

Mobile, Internet and Social Media Usage

In 2021, the number of internet users in united kingdom phone number library Turkey increased by 3.7 million compared to the previous year. The number of social media users increased by 11%, making the number of social media users in Turkey equal to 70.8% of our total population.

Device Usage

According to the We Are Social 2021 Digital Report, there are only 2.3% of people between the ages of 16 and 64 who do not use a phone. 97.2% of phones are smartphones. In addition, tablet use has increased this year, reaching 44.4%. The rate of smartwatch use, which has become widespread for both sports and 'business', is 24.5%.


Time Spent with Media

The era of sleeping 8 hours out of 24 hours is over. We are now 'online' for exactly 8 hours a day. The list goes on, including cell phones, tablets, series, and movie pleasure. 3 of these 8 hours are devoted to social media. We couldn't stop telling and sharing.

Mobile Internet Usage
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