Liquefied Natural Gas: for sustainable vehicular mobility

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Liquefied Natural Gas: for sustainable vehicular mobility

Post by pappu888 »

As a society, climate change is one of our greatest challenges for the planet. Its consequences are increasingly present and actions to combat them should be a priority on all agendas.

The use of environmentally unfriendly fossil fuels is directly linked to the current climate crisis.

Diesel, gasoline or any other petroleum derivative are some of the main causes of the problem and, although it is true that their use is decreasing, in the case of freight transport, they continue to be protagonists. The main alternative for the energy transition, when we talk about freight transport, is Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).

Liquefied Natural Gas maximizes vehicle vp financial email lists performance and autonomy, contributing to the reduction of environmental pollution.

LNG is natural gas that has been processed to be transported and stored in a liquid state at low temperatures in liquefaction plants. Thanks to the fact that it does not lose any of its properties, it offers great advantages:

Much easier to transport due to its liquid state
More convenient storage
Reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.
Economic savings of between 20% and 40%.
Performance optimization.
Taking these factors into account, in 2012 the GARnet project was launched by Naturgy, with the aim of analysing, from both a technological and economic point of view, the best alternatives to enable the development and large-scale deployment of a LNG supply network as an alternative green fuel.


GARnet promotes the creation of a network of LNG supply stations that serve long-distance vehicles that use this fuel.

The main objective of the project was the construction of 7 LNG service stations , four of them fixed and three mobile, to be completed in 2014. The locations were selected based on the routes identified as priority for land transport of goods .

Today, multiple refuelling stations spread throughout the territory have joined the sustainable mobility family. The latest to join has been Molina de Segura. With this, there are now two refuelling stations that facilitate the transport of LNG and customer service in Murcia.

Our initiative proposes an ecological and sustainable alternative in terms of mobility and brings with it benefits such as improved air quality (it reduces CO2 emissions by more than 20%) and a decrease in noise pollution (up to 50% compared to diesel).
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