Are you responsible for generating B2B leads? Do you find the struggle overwhelming at times? We all do. Reach out to us. We’d love to know how you overcome and succeed! We also do free PPC audits, so feel free to take advantage of us.I don’t need to write at length the importance of a mobile-friendly site and, more specifically, mobile-friendly landing pages. We all know by now, so I won’t go there. I will say that not all mobile-friendly landing pages are created equal. I do want to specifically look at why decreasing page load times on mobile landing pages will make them more effective at capturing conversions and what on your pages could be causing s
phone number databases lowness. But first, some compelling data that will make you take this information seriously.
In 2017, retail ecommerce sales worldwide reached $2.304 trillion, a 24.8% increase over the previous year, eMarketer estimates.
Mobile commerce, mcommerce, made up 58% of digital sales in 2017, which was an increase from the 40% in 2015, and is estimated to jump to 72% by 2021.
StatistaCharts - eMarketer Mobile Commerce Stats for 2018
Smartphones are nearly the size of tablets now and show no signs of getting smaller. It’s easier than ever to shop on our phones and they’re on our person 24/7.
So, wouldn’t it make sense to give your mobile landing pages a review and possibly a revamp to make sure you’re delivering the best experience to users? I think so.