To boost online sales, you need to implement effective B2B e-commerce strategies. Below, we examine nine essential strategies that will help you improve your e-commerce performance.
1. Customize your product portfolio for individual customers
Not all of your customers will be interested in every product iraq whatsapp number you offer. Most will have unique needs and will focus on a small portion of your product portfolio. To maximize eCommerce success, you need to tailor and personalize your portfolio to ensure you present customers with relevant products.
Ibexa DXP makes this easy by allowing you to create varied product catalogues that you can use in different circumstances. You can target catalogues to specific customer groups, use them at certain times of the year, or create them to appeal to regional markets. This feature ensures you advertise your products in the most effective way possible.
While you're at it, be sure to design catalogs based on the data available to you. Analyze which products interest particular customer groups and whether certain products are regularly purchased together. Modern analytics allows you to eliminate guesswork and make informed decisions, so be sure to make use of that information.
2. Break down customer data silos
Similarly, B2B organizations need a complete picture of the customer to make data-driven decisions. The more holistic view of customer behavior you have, the more effectively you can refine your e-commerce operations.
A customer data platform (CDP) is one of the best tools for breaking down customer data silos and ensuring you have a 360° view. In modern B2B organizations, customer data comes from multiple sources. McKinsey research shows that “B2B customers often use ten or more channels to interact with suppliers (up from just five in 2016).” As a result, you need to incorporate behavioral data from a wide range of channels if you truly want to address customer needs.