Let's get down to business.
It has been proven that a post of between 100 and 250 characters gets 60% more interaction than a longer one. As they say: if good things are short, they are twice as good.
ALWAYS add videos or photos. Humans are visual creatures; you'd be list of algeria whatsapp phone numbers surprised how an image affects the brain . Posts with photos tend to get 120% more engagement, and those with videos get 100%.
Continuing with videos, DON'T USE YOUTUBE. Instead, use Facebook videos. Why? Because Facebook videos play by themselves, while YouTube videos force you to press play. And of course, the more views a video accumulates, the higher it will appear in the rankings.
Videos, like posts, should be short. Ideally, they should not exceed 2 minutes.
Your audience is online at certain times . It makes sense to post at those times, but sometimes it's better to do the opposite. After all, if all your competition is on Facebook at the same time, it's pretty hard to get your posts to your audience (remember how edgerank works ).
Asking for interaction often works. But try not to do it directly, as this is not an election campaign. Asking your audience questions often encourages comments (if not, see the end of this article).

We're crazy about lists. ' Ten ways to…' type posts are a sure hit.
There are some “magic words” that provoke more reactions than others. In general, they are all quite morbid (this does not speak very well of the human condition, to be honest). For example, the verbs ' to kill' or ' to destroy' are a safe bet. And 'cats', but that is another topic. Continuing with the electrician example, a good headline would be: ' 5 bad household habits that are destroying your wallet'.
Now that we've shared some of our secrets with you, we'd like you to do the same.