I get a little scared when I see companies that believe the best SEO is publishing and republishing new content on blogs.
Post a new article to keep the blog updated or
Update/improve the articles ranked 5th and above ?
It seems obvious now, but the amount of marketers who are creating and creating new content like crazy is impressive when there are a few well-written articles that they can fill with a significant amount of quality traffic .
Do you know an cambodia phone numbers entrepreneur who is doing well because he has about 5 businesses? It’s a good path, but then we have friends like Mark Zuckerberg who are. Having one great company surpasses all of those entrepreneurs’ results .
Using Search Console, detect those pages that occupy positions 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, even 11 or 12.
The fastest way to do SEO is to do everything possible to get these pages up there. So how do you get them up there?
It would be a good idea to increase the content, i.e. if it's a 600 word article, update it to 1,500.
The quickest thing to do is to update the title, but in a big way. Many marketers focus on getting backlinks when they are. According to Arefs, simply updating the title (in a big way) can instantly increase CTR by up to 37% .
A great title means it is at least 3x more appealing than other SERPs . Using AI-generated headlines is a quick way to generate great headlines.
The next step is to improve your “time on site” metric, which basically measures the average time users spend on your page or article.
And you wonder why?
Because according to SEMush studies, “time on site” is one of the most important factors for Google in categorizing a page ( above backlinks ).
To improve this metric, the best thing you can do is to analyze exactly what your visitors are doing on your site (with tools like Smartlook, Hotjar).
This way, you can find ways to retain users longer and show Google that your content is worth it.
I hope you try these techniques and find them to be 95 times more effective than the 5% mentioned in the SEO article.
Very successful .
Ask what you think works the fastest:
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- Joined: Mon Dec 09, 2024 6:01 am