Geomarketing in the supermarket: Tell me your location and I'll tell you your shopping list

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Geomarketing in the supermarket: Tell me your location and I'll tell you your shopping list

Post by rabia829 »

Consumer behavior in a supermarket depends largely on its location.

Depending on where you live, your diet may be more or less healthy, your offers and discounts may be higher or lower, and even your cleaning products may vary in toxicity. And it won't be by choice, but because there are those who decide what variety of products you can choose from for your shopping list.

Geomarketing in the food and beverage sector
We recently talked about how geomarketing is the best ally in the retail sector and how brands do everything possible to adapt their offer to the demands of an increasingly informed how to use overseas chinese in australia data to boost sales consumer. But it is no less true that geomarketing in the food and beverage sector also has a lot to say.

Have you ever wondered why you can only find a certain product in a certain establishment? And that, no matter how many times you go around, sometimes the only alternative is to change neighborhoods or take a walk to the city center to get that condiment you can't see anywhere else or the wine you tried in that restaurant and still can't forget.


Obviously, the products offered by supermarkets are influenced by logistical issues such as stock and price, but also, and increasingly, by the common characteristics of the area in which you live. The birth rate in your neighbourhood or block, its average age, its socio-economic level and even its tastes are behind what you put in your shopping basket. In other words, everything that can be known through geomarketing tools or what is also called smart location .

Organizing the shelves thanks to Geomarketing
The evolution of retail marketing has brought about new creative options that require being at the forefront of the latest trends, taking advantage of new technological advances to rethink retail strategy and create unique points of sale.

One of the actions resulting from digital transformation is geomarketing, which serves to adapt the retail strategy to the needs, desires and expectations of the customer.

In other words, it provides us with data that will be of great value to those in charge of food and beverage establishments, as it will help them decide which products to offer on each of their shelves. For example, if the supermarket is located in a working-class area of ​​a large city, analyses can be made of the maximum price that your target audience is willing to pay for each type of product.

Furthermore, the key to marketing is knowing how to locate the buyer at all times, and knowing their customer journey , to create efficient strategies that also serve to reward customer trust , with rewards for their commitment at their point of sale.

This will allow you to offer promotions designed specifically for this target and ensure their success before launching them, since thanks to geomarketing you can predict the behavior of users in a certain geographic location.

The figures for the food and beverage market, on the other hand, encourage the use of this type of tool to continue improving its results throughout this year. Not in vain, according to the latest data from the Spanish Federation of Food and Beverage Industries (FIAB), this industry is the first sector in terms of turnover in Spain, earning more than 93,000 million euros.
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