Is your company prepared for what's coming?

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Is your company prepared for what's coming?

Post by rabia829 »

Most Spanish companies are experiencing a time of uncertainty. The pandemic and the lockdown have had devastating effects on certain sectors , such as tourism and hospitality. Even those that initially seemed to have benefited, such as e-commerce , have had to face challenges that have tested the foundations of their business: logistical problems, communication with their customers, changes in payment systems, etc.

We are still immersed in a difficult time, although we are beginning to enter into that “new normal” that we have heard so much about in recent months. But 99 acres database we do not know how long we will be living with the virus or if there will be areas of the country that will have to go into lockdown again for short periods of time.

There are several ways you can prepare for what is to come, but at alGenio we recommend two basic actions:

Digitize your business
Diversify your communication channels
Not only will it be useful in the event of a new lockdown , it is also a step forward in the evolution of your business.


Changes in consumer behavior
Your customers have been stuck at home for a couple of months, unable to carry out their daily routines or, of course, shop normally. This has led them to use the internet much more than before: for entertainment, for work and also for shopping.

In fact, there are many people who have never dared to buy online before and this has been the push they needed to take the plunge, even if it was a bit forced. They have crossed that first barrier that held them back, which is usually the most difficult step, and they are more likely to do it again in the future.

There are also, of course, those other people who already bought or contracted services online. Their needs have evolved and they now buy even more than before, or basic necessities that they used to buy in physical stores.

What is clear is that a psychological barrier that prevented many users from purchasing or contracting services over the Internet has been broken down.

How have companies coped with the pandemic?
Those businesses that provide in-person service to their customers, which is impossible to transfer to an online format, have been the ones that have been hit the hardest . In this category we find bars and restaurants, hotels, shops without e-commerce, etc.

Although there are others that have managed to continue providing service, at least partially, through a digital platform . Such is the case of e-commerce. E-commerce sales have grown in Spain by an average of 55%. According to a study of the evolution of different e-commerce sectors throughout this pandemic, food is the sector that has experienced the greatest growth, with 218%. Other sectors that have also benefited are: electronics (138.5% more sales), sports (an increase of 22.6% in transactions), media (visitors have increased by 42% and shared content by 89.4%) and pharmacy (multiplying their sales volume by 25). Other sectors, such as fashion and beauty, have had uneven evolutions, highly dependent on the brand.

Finally, as expected, the tourism sector is the one that has suffered the most from the consequences of the pandemic. Compared to the previous year, it has suffered a drop of more than 50%.
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