Account Based Marketing: How to Sell to Exactly Who You Want

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Account Based Marketing: How to Sell to Exactly Who You Want

Post by aktAkterSabiha10 »

What is account based marketing ? It is a marketing technique aimed at intercepting (and then talking to) a specific target , identifying the tone of voice, the topics and the levers of interest towards the target interlocutor and subsequently informing him about a specific service or product, indicating the aspects, specifications, useful information that are really of interest to him. Information that really touches a sore point, a solution or support for a problem: a perceived or real problem experienced as such in the day by day of the company.

Account-based marketing, or ABM, starts from the assumption that a good strategy, even in the B2B sector, does not address the target, companies, as “abstract” entities, but considers the individuals who work there as potential customers (prospects) of value. In simple words, consider first of all how to address real people , with interests, needs, problems list of telegram users in canada to solve, solutions to find, both in B2C and B2B.


From inbound strategy to account based marketing
To put it in a more easily recognizable context, we can consider ABM as an evolution of inbound marketing, which arises from the need, perceived in recent years, to increasingly connect marketing strategy and business strategy. With the awareness that the lack of alignment between sales and marketing departments is a strategic error that should not be committed, which can cause many problems in the growth, organization and evolution of a company.

Account based marketing was born exactly like this, as a response to a problem. The solution?

Marketing and sales must work in synergy , focus on common goals, act strategically and cooperatively, bringing their know-how to each other.

How do you do account based marketing?
Account-based marketing has a very clear goal: not to extend the message to the greatest possible number of prospects, but rather to identify a limited number of potential customers with specific roles within the companies of interest, concentrating all marketing and sales activities on building strategies designed to speak to single individuals.
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