Hashtags help Internet users easily find posts and discussions on the same topic. ICP (Key Performance Indicator) : French translation for KPI (Key Performance Indicators), these are the indicators used to measure the performance of sponsored link campaigns or any other online marketing action. Example of KPIs on social media: Mentions : Number of times your brands are picked up and cited on social media by other users: shares, RTs, etc. Performance of my communities : number of fans, followers, subscribers by social channel.
Interaction Performance : number saudi arabia phone number resource of interactions (likes, retweets, shares, repins, etc.), number of comments. Share of marketing contacts originating from social media converted into qualified sales leads and integrated into your CRM solution . Identification : action on social networks that allows you to identify your friends in a publication by putting the “@” sign followed by your friend’s name; they will receive a notification. Impressions : number of times a message (article, post) has the opportunity to be seen by your network.
The higher the number of impressions, the greater the number of Internet users influenced. Influencer : a person or group of people who has a strong influence on a social media and who is often targeted by marketers as a brand ambassador. The influencer having a certain authority can therefore reach a very specific audience (hobbies, interests, lifestyle, socio-demographic criteria, etc.). KPI: see ICP. Social media photo Lead scoring : measures the commitment of potential prospects to access information.
Number of leads from social media
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- Joined: Thu Dec 05, 2024 6:07 am