Why is innovation important in graphic design?

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Why is innovation important in graphic design?

Post by bitheerani674 »

Graphic design determines our visual perception almost everywhere, sometimes even where we don't even notice it. It directs us, tells us a message and points out symbols that stick in our memory. The concept behind this is complex and fascinating. There are many reasons why it is advisable to hire the services of a graphic design studio.

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What is graphic design?
Innovation in design
Design, brand and innovation
Graphic design trends 2023
What is graphic design?
This design category deals with the artistic and graphic design of visual fantuan database in various media, which aims to communicate something to the viewer through technical means and thus attract their attention. This includes, in particular, various media for advertising purposes. This applies to drafts of brochures, posters, advertisements or packaging, the development of a logo or the construction of a website with graphic elements. While the requirements in the area of ​​design have evolved and significantly differentiated, graphic and media design is geared towards visual communication.

Artistic implementation refers specifically to the areas of advertising, design and public relations and is thus again separated from web, production and industrial design. A sense of aesthetics, ideas, ingenuity and knowledge of the various media of communication and advertising are necessary for creative development. Design is subject to very specific rules and guidelines.


Innovation in design
Innovations are often attributed to chance, such as the discovery of X-rays, penicillin, or sticky notes. This can create the false expectation that every invention becomes an innovation and that all that is needed is a stroke of luck.

But we all know that this is not the case. An invention is the pure act of creating something new. Only when an invention is translated into an accessible form as a product or service, we are dealing with an innovation. And this transfer not only carries a high probability of failure, but it fails in the vast majority of cases. Therefore, innovation requires more than just inventiveness .

The good news is that once an innovation is successful, its acceptance increases exponentially and gains momentum. While it took 45 years for the automobile to be accepted by 60 percent of the population, the smartphone only needed five years to establish itself. Think of the innovative business models of Airbnb and Uber, which revolutionized entire industries in just a few years. This raises an important question: if innovations are not accidental and are highly desirable from a business perspective, how do ideas become innovations?

Design, brand and innovation
Pollocreativo , a leading company in graphic design, explains that the key to success lies in a well-documented and very complex interrelationship between many factors, although there is no magic formula. Two drivers in particular stand out: design and brand . Together with innovations , they form the three focal points of design work.

Graphic design trends 2023
Once we have analyzed the importance of the three most important factors in graphic design, let's reveal the trends in 2023

3D is back

3D is still at the forefront of design. You'll notice it even in the most unpredictable places or where you don't usually pay attention. For example, in icons. The world is moving away from the usual minimalism and returning again to realism. After all, fashion is cyclical!

The combination of 3D and 2D is also gaining momentum from 2022 onwards. Three-dimensional hyperrealism in graphic design blends perfectly with a two-dimensional style.
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