Over the last five years, talent acquisition teams at companies have begun to focus on candidate and employee experience as a differential value for attracting and retaining talent. Who hasn't heard of Employer Branding by now? A strategic concept in which all large companies are investing, although very few are obtaining the expected results. However, there are success stories that are a good model for other companies, such as everis .
Origin of the project
Everis hires more than 3,500 professionals morocco phone number library a year, which means that it manages more than 25,000 candidates annually, a volume of recruitment that is within the reach of very few companies. If we add to this the fact that the profiles it hires are the most in-demand on the market, we find ourselves facing a highly demanding ecosystem. Traditional recruitment methods are not sufficient to fill vacancies, especially if we focus on talent; job portals do not allow us to reach passive candidates (where the greatest talent resides) and headhunters use abusive recruitment techniques that go against the candidate's experience.
It all started in 2017 with the development of a website, a small project that allowed everis and ShowerThinking to share synergies. The Madrid recruiting team led by Ruth Emo knew that they had to invest in new recruitment methodologies that would allow them to reach the objectives imposed by the business. And the website project with ShowerThinking allowed them to have a broad vision of the possibilities offered by digital marketing applied to talent. With this initiative, the inbound recruiting project began. Ruth understood that the key to success lies in the generation of experiences and that experiences are created through personalization. Therefore, instead of proposing the typical employer branding project at a corporate level, she focused on improving the recruitment of the company's most in-demand profile: Java analysts and developers.
At ShowerThinking, when we face a comprehensive project, ranging from strategic consulting to tactical operations, we work on a methodology based on 4 steps, where the fundamental key is the start-of-project audit that analyzes the team, processes and data.
inbound recruiting project
In the case of everis , the audit was the first turning point. The analysis concluded that it was necessary to undertake a digital transformation process in order to achieve the proposed results. Based on this premise, a road map was designed divided into two paths that we worked on in parallel: a technological implementation and a digital marketing project on recruiting. A model represented on a funnel that covers all the stages of the candidate and the employee, from attracting the passive candidate ( inbound recruiting ), through the candidate process (digitalisation of the selection processes) and ending with what in business we call CRM Marketing or Relational Marketing (knowing how to exploit data to improve the experience of the candidate and the employees).