The main questions your competitive analysis should answer are:
Who are the competitors?
And how are they going to achieve their goals?
5. Define your target market and the people who buy from you
The best way to create buyer personas for any business is by creating a customer journey map. A customer journey map is a visual representation of all the touchpoints your business has with a potential customer.
This is a critical part of creating your marketing strategy.
Google introduced the concept of the moment of truth and this really ties into our discussion of marketing channels, but it’s important to mention it here as well.
Shoppers can find and interact with your brand across hundreds of channels, both vietnam consumer email list online and in the street. The concept of the Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT) represents that stage of the customer journey that leads them to find your product or solution to their problem.
Identifying the specific problem the customer is looking to solve is critical. This is how you define your persona and this is what ultimately affects the rest of your marketing decisions.
market segmentation
6. Define your objectives and KPIs
The first step in building a marketing plan is to understand and define what business objectives the plan is intended to achieve. Business and marketing should always go hand in hand, remember that.
The questions you need to answer for that are: