Independent advertising campaigns for a website and quiz

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Independent advertising campaigns for a website and quiz

Post by sohanuzzaman57 »

What we got: Quiz conversion is several times higher than website conversion, so there are more applications, while their cost has decreased. Quiz gives 80+ applications per month. According to feedback from the company owner, 60% are qualified leads. At the same time, the website gives fewer applications, but the % of qualified leads is higher, which is why traffic continues to flow to several landing pages at once - quiz and website.

In the following example, we'll detail how to effectively create competition between your main site and your quiz while increasing your incoming lead flow.

Market leaders often face the problem of scaling advertising campaigns hong kong phone number library when the landing page is already maximally effective, advertising campaigns provide high conversions, the company makes the maximum number of impressions in the advertising results, but even more applications are needed. In such a case, the strategy of creating competition in the results by creating additional landing pages without linking to the main site works well. This strategy is suitable for those who are ready to increase the advertising budget.

Context: One of the CIS market leaders in the retail sale of painting equipment uses the combination of "online store + contextual advertising and landing page + contextual advertising". These sites occupy leading positions in the search results, landing pages provide high conversion, but the company needs to increase the flow of incoming applications. Quizzes provide higher conversion than corporate sites, online stores and landing pages, so the marketing director decided to create an impersonal quiz, without linking to the main site, with a slightly different assortment in order to distance it as much as possible from the existing landing pages
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