The Internet has changed the way we work, the way we socialize, and the explosion of e-commerce has changed the way we shop.
Our daily lives and the change in consumer habits of today's users have led to sales through the online channel. In addition to the numerous advantages, such as the option of buying 24/7 or the possibility of reaching new segments and internationalizing the product in an easy way, we find that accessing greater consumer knowledge improves companies' profit margins. To do this, it is necessary to generate satisfactory user experiences with the product content while guaranteeing the trust of buyers in our brand.
Current situation of e-commerce in Spain
E-commerce has become a key sales channel where buyers have been building their identity based on their needs, learning and beliefs, especially since 2020 when the pandemic situation led to e-commerce growing by 46% (the highest growth in more than a decade), as shown by different studies.
The VII Annual eCommerce Study in Spain 2020 , prepared by IAB Spain, showed the impact that the coronavirus lockdown had on the online shopping habits of Spaniards in the first half of the year: 51% of those interviewed stated that they have purchased online more frequently than usual, while 39% said they had maintained the same frequency of purchases through this channel.
The lockdown also increased the average shopping expenditure: 96 euros compared to 71 euros in the last 12 months.
The ease with which an e-commerce can be set up today has also had an impact on the market, especially if we take into account that there is now greater competition in the online market and that we can reach a much larger clientele than with a local business. The Internet and new technologies offer the opportunity to make our e-commerce known throughout Spain and even around the world, opening the door to other users who may be interested in what we do.
For this reason, knowing how users behave and what they are looking for when they visit one of our e-commerce sites is essential to be able to reach them and impact them in a positive way.
In addition, we must take into account that businesses based on e-commerce have not stopped multiplying, renewing and adapting to user changes.
One of the most important developments in recent years has been the ability to browse, compare and purchase from mobile sites or applications via a smartphone or tablet.
Mobile ecommerce in 2021
Mobile commerce accounts for a large majority of people who would now prefer to experience the full spectrum of the buyer’s journey through small screens. Mobile optimization of eCommerce also greatly impacts how businesses connect with consumers and market their products. Most people, especially younger people, keep their mobile devices close and handy, making them much more accessible to marketers and advertisers.
Thus, it is estimated that almost half of Spaniards make online purchases and it is expected that the implementation of augmented reality and artificial intelligence solutions will further expand digital demand.
New online purchasing behaviors and the advantages of applying them to our business strategy
If we as a company or organization want advertising phone number list to be successful and connect with our buyers, we first need to know what consumers expect from us. This means paying attention not only to the latest trends in shipping, packaging or delivery times, but also understanding what exactly our online buyers want, when they want it and how.
online shopping in Spain 2021
First of all, to understand our consumers, we have to internalize how they process decision-making.
In this process, we can distinguish five key moments for the online consumer:

1. Recognition of the need
The moment when the consumer becomes aware that he or she has a need and desires to satisfy it. This need may be real or may be encouraged by fashions, social trends or advertising in the media, among others.
This is why it is important for companies to stay up to date and understand the day-to-day reality of their target audience, in order to identify their needs and thus respond efficiently to what consumers demand.
2. Information search
There are so many possibilities and means of purchasing, and so easy access to information on the Internet, that more and more people are searching for information before making their purchases . Many of these searches focus on comparing prices or product features.