Don't turn your financial accounts into an unmanageable problem, evaluate the alternatives you have to meet your payments.
More than one person has lost sleep over the number of bank bills they have to pay at the end of each month.
One solution to your problems may be to restructure your debts , which must be undertaken with strict control over your consumption habits, says Juan Carlos Ocampo, an expert in personal finance issues.
"You can restructure your obligations guangdong number screening by requesting a longer payment period or by looking for a financial institution that offers a lower interest rate ," explains the specialist.
For his part, Alfredo Ramírez, executive director of the web portal , explains that two scenarios must be kept in mind.
The first involves the complete 'merger' of all your accounts into one.
To do this, you will need to compare interest rates and have at least two options among the proposals offered by banks for mortgage, vehicle or personal loans.
The second refers to the consolidation of outstanding debts owed on credit cards. In this case, most banks compete by offering attractive rates.
For example, if a customer has three cards and is charged 20%, 35% and 40% interest for each of them, by combining them they could end up paying only 16%, Ramírez points out.
However, Juan Carlos Ocampo recommended being careful because some people think they can request double the debt consolidation amount.
That is, if someone owes S/.29 thousand and requests S/.50 thousand, the only thing they will do is aggravate their expenses and make their payment schedule unmanageable.