It is now possible to use visual calculations in combination charts, such as line and clustered column charts, in a similar way to other chart types. For example, you can apply a visual calculation that shows a three-quarter moving average.
The visual calculation on the y-axis of the line would be:
MovingAverageThreeQuarters = MOVINGAVERAGE([Sales Amount], 3)
In the October Power BI updates, we've enabled the use of visual calculations with field parameters. This allows you to add a visual calculation to a chart that contains a field parameter, and india whatsapp resource vice versa. Field parameters make it easy to quickly change what's displayed in a visual. For example, you can create a field parameter to let users choose which attributes of a dimension to display. In this case, a field parameter called “Product Attribute” can determine what the visual calculation returns for the percentage of grand total.
The visual calculation of the percentage of the grand total is defined as follows:
Percentage of grand total = DIVIDE([Sales Amount], COLLAPSEALL([Sales Amount], ROWS))
Support for field parameters.
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