How to Delete Yourself from Facebook (With Backup)

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How to Delete Yourself from Facebook (With Backup)

Post by shakilhasan15 »

How can we back up all the information we feed to Facebook?

How do you permanently delete yourself from the most famous social network?

In this post we explain step-by-step how to delete yourself from Facebook .

Back Up Your Data
1- Log in to your personal Facebook account and go to the settings section.

Profile Backup: First Step
2- Once you enter the settings panel click on “download a copy of your Facebook data”.

Profile Backup: Second Step
3- Click on the “Start my archive” button to perform a backup of all your information on the Social Network.

Profile Backup: Third Step
4- When all the information is collected (Facebook warns you that it will take some time) you will be sent an email, follow the link inside it and download the Backup of all your Facebook data.

Unsubscribe from Facebook
After you have made the Backup, there are just a few steps left to delete your Facebook account:

Profile Backup: Fourth Step
2- click on “delete my account”.

Deleting yourself from Facebook: first step
3- Delete yourself from Facebook simply by re-entering your password (I guess a simple Captcha code won't stop you!).

Deleting yourself from Facebook: second step
You should know that once you click “OK”, this operation will not be immediate, in fact it will take about 14 days before the account is permanently deleted. During this period you must resist and not log in with your credentials, otherwise the system will automatically consider your deletion request canceled.

It may take up to 90 days for all published hong kong telegram phone number list (photos, videos, status updates, or anything else posted on your wall) to be permanently deleted.

Be careful though, even if you follow these instructions, Facebook will not allow you to delete everything you had on the Social, private email messages will continue to be present in the inboxes of the people we sent them to. Furthermore, Facebook may reserve the right to retain some information.

Deleting yourself from Facebook: third step

If you want to delete part of your profile immediately
One last important thing to know is how to instantly delete something from Facebook:

1- In the Settings panel click on “Activity log”.

delete part of facebook profile
2- Within the activity you are interested in, click on the pencil symbol in the top right and then on “delete” in the drop-down menu that appears.


Delete Facebook post width=
As we have seen, the process is quite long, but if you resist the temptation to log in for about two weeks after performing the Backup, then you will have managed to permanently delete yourself from Facebook, having at your disposal everything you have done/published during the entire period in which you were registered.
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