Prime Minister Rutte

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Prime Minister Rutte

Post by arzina221 »

Ads are tested and optimized, posts are promoted, apps are created and campaign terms are written. Even a simple contest or photo competition on Facebook has quite a few (necessary!) snags. And then the following message comes sailing through your news feed:

C1000 Like Share Win
C1000 Like, Share & Win campaign

Of course it is great for C1000 Deals (an initiative of C1000 branch Huirne Landgraaf) that the €50,- in prize money yields so many shares and likes. But it is also quite a shame for all companies and organizations that do try to do it according to the rules and also invest a lot of time and money in it. In short, no 'earned media' but 'robbed media'. And the irritations are increasing!

Sidewalk bikes
Now I don't think breaking a rule here and there, uruguay phone data taking the risks into account, is a big problem. I live (partly) in Amsterdam and there I also regularly cycle through red lights, on the sidewalk and without lights. The problem in Amsterdam is that everyone does this and so the chance of being caught is small. A similar scenario is now playing out on Facebook, with the only difference that Facebook does not seem to take any action at all to enforce the promotion policy, while in Amsterdam I can still expect an annual fine for my 'antisocial' cycling behavior.

In this article I could call on entrepreneurs to behave a bit more politely. Or I could lie and scare them by saying that they are taking big risks with these kinds of actions. But that seems pointless to me. The fact that C1000, as a major brand, is also participating in this is of course clumsy and also risky . Prime Minister Rutte also doesn't cycle through red lights, because he knows that all eyes are on him.
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