Why use Net Promoter Score?

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Why use Net Promoter Score?

Post by pappu9268 »

“On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend us to your friends or colleagues?” This is the basic Net Promoter Score (NPS) question that many companies use today to understand customer satisfaction based on their experience.

Because NPS is a single number that measures the overall experience, it’s nearly impossible to determine which interaction or touchpoint leaves a customer dissatisfied. This is where an NPS key driver analysis comes in. This analysis identifies the factors that have the biggest impact on your overall NPS. Net Promoter Score has been widely used not only for its simplicity, but for its ability to quantitatively measure customer loyalty. First make sure we all understand how NPS is calculated. Based on a scale benin phone number of one to 10, it divides the customer into three categories. If a customer rates you a nine, they are considered a “promoter.” If they give you a seven or eight, they are considered “passive,” meaning they neither like you nor will abandon you. A score of six or less classifies your customer as a “detractor.”

NPS Basics
Now that all groups are ranked, take the percentage of promoters (nine and 10) and subtract the percentage of detractors (six and below). Now, you have your Net Promoter Score.


Check out our Net Promoter Score calculator and get your NPS index.

Find out what determines customer loyalty
Keep in mind that the Net Promoter Score itself doesn't tell you the whole story, but only a broad view that you can use to get deeper, more specific feedback.

This measurement is most useful for comparing customer loyalty, either historically or against competitors. However, there is much more to be gained by digging deeper into the key drivers of NPS .

Let’s say you have NPS numbers, week over week and month over month. Wouldn’t you want to know which drivers of your NPS caused changes?

I share with you some tips on how to retain customers .

It would be unrealistic to expect everyone who uses NPS to be a statistical expert. Many companies allocate resources to market research companies to uncover correlation and/or causality variables.

Key driver analysis can answer questions about NPS: Which attributes of the purchasing process had the greatest or least impact on NPS?

Conducting this analysis is crucial to statistically determining which features or experiences have the greatest impact on your Net Promoter Score. Each customer will go through several touchpoints throughout the customer journey.
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