The origin of this post is an article I published in Training & Development Digest magazine (No. 77, December 2009), called “Current Leadership Competencies.”
This article was inspired by a publication by Borja Vilaseca, in El País, entitled « Improve and serve the company ».
In the article by Borja Vilaseca, Ignacio Álvarez de Mon (professor of Organizational Behavior at the Instituto de Empresa) cites that some business schools (IE, ESADE, IESE, EADA, EOI and ESIC) were incorporating so-called emotional training into their training programs , using psychological tools such as coaching , the personality enneagram , neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and 360º feedback .
After reading this article, I began to review other publications and books related to the topics that Ignacio Álvarez de Mon mentions as emotional formation.
My intention was to write an article on leadership skills that would draw on the sources of emotional training.
In addition to these four “ areas of knowledge ” I decided to include others that I consider bahamas phone number necessary to address the topic of leadership. The ones chosen were:
The main objective was to search for and develop a list of the main leadership competencies that were most frequently repeated.
After the bibliographic search, I was able to identify the common leadership competencies that appeared in the different areas of knowledge.
I invite you to also read: Leading without gender .
Leadership skills
The areas of knowledge and their corresponding competencies are included in the attached table .
Leadership skills
From all these competencies, I chose the ten competencies that were most repeated, in the different areas of knowledge, and I created the Wheel of Leadership Competencies : the CompLider Wheel .
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Complider Wheel
With the CompLider Wheel, each of the leadership competencies can be analyzed or self-analyzed, scoring from 0 (absence of competency) to 10 (100% competency availability).
We can analyze others and we can analyze ourselves, through completing tests, observation, self-observation, behavioral analysis, performance analysis, etc.
CompLider Wheel
In conclusion, I would say that to be a good leader we must master the greatest number of key competencies .