Imagine integrating the social media contacts you have with customers into your CRM system. You will then have a 360 degree view of your customers.
Customer care support
Customers of B2B companies also need contact via social media and increasingly use these channels to ask questions, express criticism or share experiences with a product and/or service. By means of social CRM, these messages can be signaled and forwarded to the customer care department, which will then handle the question or complaint.
Mapping your network
With a social CRM system, you can map your potential customers and relationships as a company. Social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook give a company insight into the network of existing customers and relationships. This gives you the opportunity to expand your own network.
Many B2B companies are aware that people are talking about them online, but they don't know exactly what is being said. But it is precisely these things that provide you with a wealth of interesting information. It is not just about what is being said about your company, but also questions from prospects, issues in the market and information about and from competitors can be very valuable. Social CRM gives you as a B2B organization the opportunity to take important steps in these four areas:
Opinions and complaints that customers and prospects air via social media channels offer a wealth of valuable information that you can use to innovate products, services and processes. For example, suppose a customer asks a question on the phone and then reports on Twitter that he received the right answer, but the agent was unfriendly. This gives you an opportunity to reach out to the customer, ask about their experience and perhaps pay more attention to training customer service agents in conversational skills.
2. Positioning
Do the formulated USPs still match how the market thinks about your products and services? Information gathered via social media can force a company to take another critical look at its existing positioning. If potential customers talk a lot online about the brightness of a tablet screen and you, as a producer of a tablet, are mainly busy writing about the great sound quality, then it might be wise, if your image quality is top, to pay more attention to that.
3. Customer loyalty
Only when you know what a customer says online, can you enter portugal phone data into dialogue. And that strengthens the bond with the customer. For example, a customer can indicate on Twitter that he finds a product very expensive. That offers starting points to look together with the customer at what exactly he needs. Perhaps a cheaper version of a product fits his needs perfectly.
4. Acquisition
Questions are often asked on online platforms about other people's experiences with products and services. By monitoring social media channels, you can respond directly to these questions and get in touch with potential customers. People increasingly report on social media that they are looking for a product or service. These are buying signals that you can pick up on, whereby you can offer the prospect a helping hand and convert them into an actual customer.