He sees no problems in this. It's time to move on to the second group of questions. Problematic issues Now our task is to form a problem in the client's head, the solution to which will be the cherished lawn mower. Perhaps it is hidden in his subconscious, and we only need to bring it to the surface. The essence of the questions is simple: to sow doubts in the soul of the interlocutor. Is his method of fighting growing grass so ideal? Examples of questions: "How long do you mow the grass? More than one day? And when you finish, you have to start all over again?" "Does your mower run on petrol or maybe mains power? Is it comfortable to use? Does it get damaged, how easy is it to repair?" Problem questions are the key ones in this telephone sales technique.
Improvisation is unacceptable at this stage; by the time of the telephone conversation with the client, you should already have at least five problem questions prepared. One way or another, one of them may russia whatsapp phone number hit the target and reveal a hidden problem. SPIN-sales algorithm by phone After answering a series of problematic questions, the client will begin to think about difficulties that he had not noticed before. However, he still does not see them as a global problem. The next goal will be to lead the client to the need to overcome this obstacle. Extractive questions The essence of this stage is to identify the negative consequences of the problem.
And so, small inconveniences that the client did not even notice before grow into major troubles. If in the previous step you learned that the old lawn mower of the interlocutor works slowly, so he has to spend the whole day, and sometimes more, on cutting the grass, you can ask: "So instead of relaxing in the countryside, you spend a lot of time mowing the grass? And a week later you have to do it all over again?" Or enhance the effect with a question: "The neighbors have been grilling shashlik for a long time, and you are still mowing the grass? How can this be outdoor recreation?" After these words, the client realizes how much time he wasted instead of enjoying well-deserved relaxation and eating fried meat.
Improvisation is unacceptable at this stage
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