Martijn Weesjes during Masterclass Social Intranet

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Martijn Weesjes during Masterclass Social Intranet

Post by arzina221 »

Ollowers appreciate and/or find your Twitter message interesting. An RT allows your message to reach a larger target group. But you don't just get a retweet. The infographic below from QuickSprout lists 'requirements' that a Twitter message must meet if you want it to be retweeted by your followers. For example, tweets of 71 to 100 characters have the greatest chance of being retweeted. In addition, it is best to post messages on Fridays between 12 noon and 2 pm. It also appears that using a hashtag (#) can contribute to retweets. This visualization contains many tips. At the very bottom, the creators give 5 concrete tips that you can apply:

On Tuesday 18 June 2013, Log-On organised the first Masterclass Social Intranet. The masterclass answered questions such as 'What does a social intranet look like?', 'How can a social intranet contribute to my organisational objectives?' and 'How do I implement a social intranet?'
It becomes clear that a social intranet can ensure that people enjoy their work, perform their work more efficiently and ensure that people connect with each other. Finally, the importance of nepal phone data a solid implementation became clear. Simply providing access and a concise instruction is not enough here, it is about being able, willing, daring and having to.

The power of social
First, we will address the question of what a social intranet actually is. Martijn Weesjes , initiator of Embrace SBS, names five changes that have occurred in recent years
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