Many people believe that the Internet is simply a large collection of company brochures, yet there are also highly complex applications that we use every day. What the end user sees is simply a web page, but we know that it is much more .
of tables and styles applied directly in the HTML element and this is thanks to the advances we have experienced in recent years especially thanks to JavaScript we can run real mobile and desktop applications like Atom or GitKraken.
The programming languages that we can use to work on the files present in our system are web languages, at the same time they work at the machine level which is much lower than that of the browser and which allows it to interact with the files present in the system.
Always to list the features that we can have nowadays I want to remember the existence of websites bulgaria phone number data that allow you to upload photos and other multimedia files and edit them online, basically they access the API of your filesystem to navigate inside the folders and get the file. In short what I'm trying to explain is that already today with web technologies we can do many operations inside the operating systems and with what I will explain to you in this article you will discover how to send push notifications on any device that is visiting your web page be it a desktop, tablet or smartphone.
Don't worry if the term push notifications seems too generic to you, even for me it was difficult to understand the potential of this technique but it's all true! Thanks to the Notifications API we are able to send notifications using the operating system that our user is using.